Jesus Christ, Lord and Saviour
My Family
Dad, for all the freedom you've so willingly given me. Mom, for all the ways that you've helped me. Sam, for every thing that you've been to me. A special note of thanks to Arul annan, though he's not part of my immediate family, for all the encouragement you've always given me, knowing that I'm a dud.
Thank you, folks. Couldn't have made it here without all of you.
My Friends
Bina Mathew. You mean a lot to me. And you've been an excellent spiritual guide, an emotional lean-on and an immense source of strength and comfort. You were there when I needed you and even when I didn't. God had great love for me to send you to me. Thank you for everything. I had a lovely time (with you).
Santosh George Cherian. You've been a source of comfort, wisdom and spiritual enrichment for me, da. Don't think I can do this right, but anyways... Your encouragement and eagerness have never failed to help me keep my fire going. Thank you.
The gang at Anita Meth. - Lenu, Paul D., Khathee, Moulini, Sasi, Mangai, Gaayathiri, Priti, Praveen Kumar Muslay, Mathew Raj, Saibalan - You guys have been inspirational for most of my songs while in Anita Meth. So thank you. Couldn't have done it without you. You guys will always have a special place in my heart.
The gang from J-Team... The Pictionary gang - Kiran, Nishanth, Mayuri, Chandrika, Lukey, Sneha, Akshay - you guys have been great. It's been wonderful to have you all as a part of my life. So I've to thank you for that. Hey, and Kir... thanx for instilling such great confidence in me by literally rolling on the floor laughing when I told ya way back in Dec '02 that I write songs. I'll never forget it da! Thanks to all you guys for all you've ever been in my life. (All ur encouragement for my rapping/idiocrancy... remember?)
The famed trio from J-team : Anu - a decent, nice friend. One I'm quite happy to have, Greeta - you've always been there and an excellent teamplayer, I might add... and Meghna - it's totally amazing how close we've become since i came off to college... Hope to scale greater heights...
I guess it would be worthy to note all yer giggling and leg-pulling.
Joseph Anthony. How do I say thank you, da? You've been wonderful as a friend to me. You've also been a great source of encouragement in my song-writing. To top it all, you've inspired many of them. Thank you. It's been wonderful with you.
Ruma Elizabeth C. You mean so much to me. The care you show me, the time you spend with me, the things you tell me - they all just prove that God exists. Thanks. For everything...
The rest of the gang at college... my very own "Circle Of Friends" - Prem (you're tooo sweet), James(you are forever in my heart), Ajay (You're a work of art), Alexander (the challenge you present me, keeps me alive :-) ), Kaveendran (you're just too cool da!), Jitendar (you don't know how much you mean to me), CTV, Josh, Jeban Cheta, Ben Cheta, Arun & Elwin (my roommates - the lengths you go to and the things you put up with... you guys are amazing!!!), Jaison Seb (Bombay-wallah, you're unbeatable!), Jeevan Cheta, JPK, Gokul Cheta, Ruban anna, Teji Cheta, Meena Chaechi (Quite inspirational! Love ya for that...), Sarah Chaechi, Kelitha Chaechi, Aneka, Aswini (you're too good), Teena, Hepsi - all of you have been very supportive, criticisms have been brief and to-the-point, where necessary. God bless you all, for the roles you've played in my life.
Now, come the people who can't be clubbed under any of the above categories. The ones who have helped to mould me to what I am today, though they might not have been directly involved in inspiring my songs/song-writing. Thank you people, for correcting me when I was wrong, for teaching me when you knew better, for encouraging me when I failed and for congratulating me when I was soaring.
Sam T Annan (Your motivational talks were always a help, alongwith all the chats I've had with you), Remo annan (The way you try to live out JC is inspiring), Mishtu (With all your shortcomings, your holiness is still a target I yearn to strike), my extended family (all my aunts, uncles and cousins - you've always been a fountain of joy to me), my acquaintances and friends in the SU volunteers gang, my classmates (at Anita, UC and CSI), the staff at the various institutions where I've studied (sorry, toooo many to name individually), my church and youth fellowship (Egmore Wesley, Madras).
I think that about wraps it up. I'm REALLY sorry if any VIPs' names have been missed. Please inform me immediately that I may rectify it at once. :)
In conclusion, what I'd like to say is that this life which JC has given me is all about love. It's all about the love I receive and the love I give away. So this entire page (from top to bottom), is about that. It's about the love you people have given me and this is my way of saying thanks. Thank you.